The Golden Helix Academy is part of the educational activities of the Golden Ηelix Foundation. The Golden Helix Academy provides training in the field of Genomic and Precision Medicine offering different type of training

goldenhelix academy logo

  • E-learning training modules
  • Introduction to Bioinformatic for clinical genome interpretation
  • Health Economics
  • Pharmacogenomics in clinical care and drug discovery
  • On-site training courses
  • On-site Course: Bioinformatics and Clinical Genomics
  • On demand on-site training

    Available courses

    Learning Objectives:

    The course begins with the description of the international environment and the basic economic issues

    The course continuous with an introduction to health economics, providing and analyzing some aspects of health economics and its relation to the economic science. The course also discusses the decision criteria based on the cost-utility analysis, from which the final decision to adopt or reject a new technology, new therapy, or innovative drug, is derived. In addition, the various ways of assessing the quality of life in cost-utility analysis and utility estimation methods. This section ends with the summary of the disadvantages and the assumptions of the cost-utility analysis. 

    Course overview

    Pharmacogenomics is the cornerstone of Genomic and Precision Medicine, aiming to redefine disease management and patient stratification. As such, pharmacogenomic testing becomes fundamental to the development and clinical use of several molecular diagnostics as well as targeted therapies. Notwithstanding, there are still barriers (scientific, economic, educational, ethical, legal) that need to be overcome prior to the application of pharmacogenomic technologies towards innovative clinical strategies and optimized therapeutic outcomes. For this to be achieved, continued research as well as the participation of all involved stakeholders becomes critical. This course aims to summarize the current knowledge on how the discipline of genetics and genomics can influence drug discovery and development, and more broadly to the practice of health care.